What is Rat Wax?
Rat Wax is a product specifically made to CLEAN and PROTECT vehicles with a Matte Finish or a Vinyl Wrap. Rat Wax is a pH balanced formula that contains no petroleum, no silicone, no fillers and no shine enhancers.
Rat Wax is a product specifically made to CLEAN and PROTECT vehicles with a Matte Finish or a Vinyl Wrap. Rat Wax is a pH balanced formula that contains no petroleum, no silicone, no fillers and no shine enhancers.
Can't I just use a product from the local auto parts store to clean and protect my Matte Finish?
NO! Not unless you want to destroy the finish by turning the "flat matte sheen" to a "bright shine". Most of these waxes, detailers, and soaps, have either a petroleum base or gloss enhancers that contain high pH levels. So stay away from them!
NO! Not unless you want to destroy the finish by turning the "flat matte sheen" to a "bright shine". Most of these waxes, detailers, and soaps, have either a petroleum base or gloss enhancers that contain high pH levels. So stay away from them!
Can't I use other non brand chemicals to clean my Matte Finish?
We don't think that's a good idea either. First, there are lots of false "wives' tales" that people see or read on the internet, like using alcohol or windex to clean Matte Finishes. Do not follow this advise, both these product have a "high pH levels", not to mention they do not provide any type of UV protection for your unique finish either. If you love your matte finish, BE SMART! BE SAFE! Only use Rat Wax!
We don't think that's a good idea either. First, there are lots of false "wives' tales" that people see or read on the internet, like using alcohol or windex to clean Matte Finishes. Do not follow this advise, both these product have a "high pH levels", not to mention they do not provide any type of UV protection for your unique finish either. If you love your matte finish, BE SMART! BE SAFE! Only use Rat Wax!